Firstly Happy New Year to you all, may we all have 20/20 vision on life in 2020.
But what a weird start to the year weather wise it has been, just totally unpredictable from one day to the next. When I look back at photos I have taken on previous years around this time I can see that it was more or less what you would expect. Long periods of cold weather, plenty of snow, okay not always down to our level, but always on the Munro tops. I would say that since winter has begun we have seen far less snow at any level than there has ever been in the 14 years we have lived here. having said that I expect we shall have a load of snow dumped on us in the next couple of months & I will be on here saying “what an unbelievable amount of snow we have had this winter”. It is that unpredictable that on the Cairngorm slopes they are using snow making machines to cover even the higher ski runs.
I for one should not complain as I have a 50yard driveway to clear in order to get out with the car & at my age it takes me a longer time than it did 10 years ago, but then it is added exercise to going to the gym, so it does burn a few calories.
Enough of my perfect body talk , what I wanted to illustrate today was just how weird these weather patterns are. Yesterday morning we woke up to minus 5C temperature & everywhere looked beautiful, the sun came out & it made for what I would say is a perfect winters day. The temperature rose to a barmy zero for most of the day, but by the time we went to bed the temperature had risen to plus 5 and it was raining. Now past years the warmth would not have happened & we would have woken up to a couple of inches of snow, that would have drifted with the strong wind we now have. But oh no, at the same time (where 24 hours earlier it was -5) we woke up to plus 10 & still raining. Barmy, totally barmy.
Just to show you what things look like when we have a cold snap I have attached some shots I took yesterday morning, I have not put any on from this morning because it is just depressing to look out at it.