By now you are all aware of my love of photography & wildlife, especially birds. Well when we are told about the birds, we are also told about the Bees & this time of the year and some decent weather has certainly made them come & take as much food from our garden as possible. Though we do not always pick the right sort of plants for them to feed on, we do try and encourage them in. The wild Foxgloves (though nearly over) have been a great source of food & wherever they set seed, we just let them grow, hence we have a fair few.
The majority of Bees in the following photos are feeding on a wild flower, that is not common in Scotland, but one we had in our garden down in the West of England & we were aware that it was a great insect attracter so we came up with a few potted up, just to try up here in the new garden. Fortunately it has taken well to this climate & as you can see is doing a fine job for the Bees. The plant is a Purple Toadflax, one that we find attractive & well liked by human as well as insect visitors.
Though when purchasing plants from local nurseries we do look for Bee friendly ones, we often find that wild plants, such as the two above attract far more insects than cultivated ones, I expect the experts will disagree, but that is what we think. In fact today when we were walking down to The Mill for a coffee, beside the village hall, we discovered that a colony (is that how you describe them?) of teasels is just coming into bloom and is covered with Hover Flies & Bees, so guess who will be taking some of the seeds before the Goldfinch get to them?
Photographing Bees is something new for me & they do not tend to sit around & pose for long, so after much effort trials & a lot of errors, here are some from yesterday.