It just does not seem right that today is the first day of Autumn, mainly because up here , apart from a few days here & there, we have not really had much of a summer. The good weather always seems to happen when we have visitors from down South & they say ” I thought you said the weather has been really bad up here, this is lovely”. I am just hoping for a Indian Summer & September will be good & warm & Autumn is short of bad days so we will not be prepared for a bad winter.
Old folk tales state that if we have an abundance of berries, then it is going to be a hard winter & as you will see below, the Rowan are nearly breaking their branches they are so laden with fruit. One year I must make some jelly out of them, not sure if there is such a thing as Rowan wine, shall have to check that one out. I shall be very disappointed if we do not get a good show of Redwing & Fieldfares eating them this year.
As Autumn has commenced I thought I would put in a couple of shots of the Autumn Crocus that grow in the garden. Went out before the rain today & took these few, very surprised at the number of Hover Fly & other creatures that are attracted to them, never really noticed that before.
The ever faithful Rhododendron shrub at our back door has flowered from May & is still sending out the odd flowers which is good to see, plus the Herb Robert is still attracting the bees, most probably the best we have seen it for years.
It does not seem a year ago that I put up some photos of the Harley Davidsons going up to Avimore for the “Thunder in the Glen”, seem to be more than ever going up this year, even though we are a mile away from the A9 from Thursday until Saturday Morning & then Sunday night, all you could hear was the rumble & throb of the bikes, just a great sound.
Plenty going on in the village over the English Bank Holiday (not one up here) with the International Horse Trials going on at the castle. Plus the venture that is Davy at the Fish & Chip shop with his marque & live music . I have never been but all who do go love it, so I must get down to it next year & share some photos with you.
With the Horse Trials they had this year a Bird of Prey display & as I love them I have included shots of the birds, all just have had a bath, as that was one of those rare hot days. Of course we had visitors at the time. 🙂