There is nothing like village events that bring the competitive side out of people to make them popular & the annual church flower show does that. One good thing about it is that it is open to the whole village not just churchgoers. For the past 10 years I have judged (along with one other) the vegetable section, which is of course highly competitive. Two highly respected members of the church have an annual rivalry in this section, with normally one of the two winning the coveted veg cup. Last year both missed out as a newcomer, one of Atholl Estates gardeners entered his own veg & walked most classes. Fortunately he didn’t enter this year so it was back to the usual battle. As judges we are not aware of who entered what , as their names are in sealed envelopes, so how demoralising must it have been when one of them won the first 5 categories & then went on to be above the other in all other classes. Hope I get a pint from one & not to long in the doghouse from the other.
Of course it will be of no surprise to know that I entered two photos, where the theme this year was Scottish Views, I have a bit of rivalry with one of the girls who works in The Mill, who is a great photographer. She sells cards with her photos on within The Mill & also at other local events, all of which are excellent & professional. She also entered two shots into the field of 20 or so photos, I managed a 3rd & she was not placed, so of course I had to go into The Mill & have a small boasting session.
Below are the shots I took of the various sections & I do apologies, I did get a bit carried away. 🙂