How fast did January go? Seeing the first glimpses of Spring with the Snowdrops at last showing their sturdiness with inches of snow on them then gale force winds and you look at them standing proud through whatever the weather want’s to throw at them. Also it is noticeable that the mornings are getting lighter (well apart from when the dark clouds roll in) I only notice because as I get up I go to the kitchen, put the kettle on and then feed the Blackbirds their sultanas, a few weeks ago there would be no sign of birds queueing for them, but this week two or three are sitting waiting to pounce. Not the early bird catches the worm here, it is the early bird eats all the sultanas.
Went across to Killin hoping to see Ben Lawers covered in snow and grab a few shots for the blog, firstly at Kenmore it was raining and couldn’t even see Lawers, then along Loch Tayside there was hardly any snow on the tops.

This shot is from the graveyard in Killin and as you can see the distant hills have hardly any snow on them.

Stopped off in Aberfeldy on the way home. The first shot is of General Wades bridge over the River Tay, some of you oldies may remember that this bridge featured on a series of postage stamps way back all on bridges. Wades roads and bridges are all over Scotland he was in charge during the Jacobite rebellion in 1720/30 and his handywork can still be seen throughout the Highlands including a bridge in Blair Atholl when he built the Dunkeld to Inverness road.
The second shot is of the Black Watch Memorial to celebrate the formation of the regiment in 1740, it was erected in 1887 and cost the huge sum of £500 (donated by the public) to build and was split in two in 1910 by lightening, repaired it now has that ugly lightening strip down the front to prevent that from happening again. (why didn’t they they put the strip down the back of the statue?)
Another interesting fact the soldier on the top was in fact one of three shot in London for desertion in 1743. An unusual person to put on the top, but he was a hero who had left London to return to Scotland after hearing a rumour that the British Army were sending them to America to get the troublesome Scots out of the way. In fact that was a false rumour they were in fact going to Flaunders.
Overnight we went down to minus eight Centigrade and when I fed the birds at half nine it was still cold at minus five. In these conditions and with a strong North Westerly wind you really do not want to be out in it to much. So being the softie I am I set the camera up on the tripod in the kitchen and decided to see how many different birds I could get a photo of in ten minutes, below is the said shots though I did miss a few that came to the feeders because either I was to slow focusing in or they were to quick for me. These included the Nuthatch, Greater Spotted Woodpecker and a Dunnock.

Male and Female Blackbirds.

Coal and Blue Tits.

Male House Sparrow.

For once a shy Robin (they normally pose for me)

Female Chaffinch.


Greenfinch. Though I did see and photograph male Chaffinch and Great Tit the shots were just to out of focus to put up.
As stated above the temperature dropped very low in the early hours of yesterday and the wonderful Snowdrops in the garden seem to get really affected, but to show just what a hardy plant they are I have attached two shots , one of a bunch yesterday morning and then another shot of them this morning ( I left the piece of straw in deliberately to show it was the same bunch) , as they have perked right up in the warmer temperature.

Cannot beat that for determination to show us their best, love them.
Went for a walk around the perimeter of Blair Castle (not yet open) mainly to see their Snowdrops around the old Kirk (church) was the usual collection, Makes the old graves look so much better with them surrounded by the whiteness.

Now a view of the Castle with nobody visiting and through the trees.

Lastly a sign of Spring, I think this is a Green Hellebore which grows well in the woodlands adjacent to the path leading away from the Castle, another positive sign of Spring.