Ever since a small boy I have attended Remembrance Sunday parades, initially in a county town in the home counties, where my dad was a councillor & laid a wreath on behalf of the council. Then on parade as a Sea Scout (short trousers can make you very cold in November). Followed by attending just as an adult in various towns where I have lived, culminating in what I thought would be the best, representing the Fire Services of the South West of England at the Cenotaph in London
But in actual fact of all of these the service here in Blair Atholl really is the best. I do not believe that many village services could have as good a turnout of residents than this one has. Led by our own local pipe band, followed by the Atholl Highlanders, the castles own private army. In fact the only private army in the U.K. that is permitted to bear arms, an honour that was given to them by Queen Victoria.
We have no minister in our local church but the service is lead by either retired ministers or lay readers, this year led by Grace Steel who did a fine job, with those present giving a very good rendition of The Lord is My Shepherd without any musical accompaniment. The memorial is itself very unusual being just a large piece of local stone. Wreaths are laid by various institutions, but to me it is lovely to see youngsters from the local play group .laying one.
Have included a few shots to give you some idea of the parade.