Most of you will be aware that Red Squirrels are the minority species of the two we have in the U.K. . Mainly due to the pox that Greys carry that has killed a large number of Reds, but doesn’t kill the Greys who just are carriers. But here in the Cairngorms we have a stronghold of Red’s & our garden is no exception to that. The most we have had at any one time was 5, but we do have 3 regular visitors to our garden feeders, in fact they eat more of our peanut supply than the birds do. The nearest Greys to us are only 20 miles away in Dunkeld, though we did have one stray to up here on a neighbours feeder, that I managed to dispatch of within an hour of it’s arrival.
All the visitors have a different approach to us humans, one in particular doesn’t pay much attention to us, providing you don’t look directly at it. Though it doesn’t mind the camera lens being focused on it & it is very photogenic. Most of the shots below I took this morning of that one animal, just in time before the snow arrived.
The 5 shots below show the various feeding places for them. The first was by the pond where I placed some Sunflower seeds to attract some birds down to takes some shots of, but the Squirrel sniffed them out & got in before the birds.
Second also on the ground but after he had found a peanut loose from when I filled the feeder. This one was first thing in the morning after I had just filled the feeding trough that was visible in my last post.
Fourth is a standard peanut holder but it hangs by it’s back legs & lifts the feeder for ease of extracting the nut, last one is just prising out nuts from our long feeders, note how its feet just grip into the feeder.
The next two show where & how they like to eat their bounty. The first shows today’s visitor having just eaten a nut & ready to have another go, if you look along the perch just to the right of the Squirrel you can see the string going down to the feeder that it eating from in two shots above this. Sometimes (as in the second shot below) they do not bother coming up to the perch to eat, they just hang by their hind legs & eat upside down, how they swallow the nut from that position I do not know.
The last shot is a very rare event, two Squirrels eating from the same feeder. Normally they will scrap over territory & this was the only time I have seen this happen. All I can think is that it was a parent & babe & the parent showing the youngster where the local café is. Or a couple out on a date for a birthday celebration.