Well this has been a hard week, waking up each morning to minus C temperatures ( minus 8C being our lowest) & a very strong North wind, we have a steep 50 yard driveway up to our house & I have had to either salt it or scrape snow from it for 6 days on the trot which is fairly unusual.
Woke up to another dusting of snow today, hence the first photo, what I would like from you is to place in the “comments” area below the photos, what you think made that footprint? Please at any time leave your comments on my blog as I would love to read them.
The second & third shot is what our sunrise looks like on the hills, I normally only get a 5 minute chance to take these shots as the sun is soon above the horizon & shining bright.
Lastly, it is going to be a busy weekend in the village, Saturday night it the village lights going on, with mulled wine , mince pies & a visit from Santa with presents for all the children. Then on Sunday (as you can see from the last shot, is the village Christmas Market. Normally 16 to 18 stalls, many of them local people selling all sorts of Christmas goodies, this includes Rami baking, so we get some of his fresh bread, to re stock the freezer with. I shall of course be covering both events, so will try to add some photos Sunday night.
Lets have your thoughts on what the footprint is.