The end of this month is always a nothing period. Nothing but cold or wet weather, nothing much to do indoors or out, nothing going on in the village except table tennis of course, nothing happening here in our hamlet with no holiday makers next door, dark earlier in the late afternoon, so just a blue period when it pays to turn the lights on and stoke the fire. In fact to remove any start of “nothing blues” I just wrap up and walk, so this blog might contain a few shots of walks leading up to the (dreaded word), Christmas month.

Walked up the road nearest our house and got this view of Blair Castle in the cold and slightly misty distance a mile & a half UP from our house.

Just enjoyed how these bales were left in line in a field, there is a fair slope from left to right and there should be another bale in front of these but it had rolled down the hill over the fence, across the farm road and rested on up against the next fields fence.

The cloud lingering around the hills.

On my way back the mist was drifting into the castle grounds giving it a more ghostly appearance. I know it is a fair distance down to the castle, but can anyone see two guys in a cherry picker? I didn’t until I put it up on the computer.

When the temperature doesn’t go above three degrees C all day the best thing is to stay in the warmth and that is what I did today. A bit bored as I got the woodburner going well, out came the camera and took some shots of the flames.
I have now joined a wonderful camera club in New York as I met two lovely women on our last flight home that were members and I liked their Zoom meetings each Monday night. They have a monthly online news letter that requested members to submit a portfolio for the pages, so I thought i would show them around our village, some of the shots I have already put on here so I have just added a few more that might be of interest to you all as well.

Our village hall looks so good, truly Scottish.

The Church of Scotland Church looking Easterly.

Kilmaveonaig Church in the late afternoon sun is also in the village on the Bridge of Tilt side, was first built in 1591 and the interior was altered by the Victorians in 1858.

The small graveyard is of interest as well and is so peaceful backing onto the woods.

Inside the church is also small but well laid out and has a large wood burner stove for these Winter Sundays.
1st December.
Been taking a few bird shots being very lazy through the double glazing of the dining area windows, it has been to cold to sit outside and take them. The glazing does take the sharpness off of the shots but I still enjoy them.

The first shot of the Goldfinches is not proving that my windows are dirty, it was snowing at the time. The second shot seems the male is saying ” Is he really taking a picture of me, how dare he”.

A male Chaffinch.

Female Siskin.

Great Tit.