I know on this particular blog each year I have loads of Enchanted Forest shots for you, well this year I had had no insight into what the show would be like as I hadn’t been in on much of the build as my work was done pre build. So came to press night with totally the wrong photographic equipment, entirely my fault and will have to join the thousands of people on a normal night instead of the mid hundreds on press night to get my shots. I know all you with modern phones will be saying “I can get brilliant shots with my three lens phone”, but I like getting photos with my camera even if half of them are not anywhere as good as yours. So “hopefully” on my next visit I will get things right and will put some on the blog. Unfortunately the people who purchased tickets for the first weekend were disappointed as the show had to be cancelled due to the terrible forty eight hour deluge of rain that we had. I have some shots to show you of the havoc it caused throughout Scotland including our county.

Some shots of our watering hole The Mill. From this first one it looks so calm .

If the sluice gate was open this small amount on a normal day no water would run down the mill race on the left, let alone over the side of the lade as you can see on the right.

This is the lade leading to the sluice up at least by a foot and flowing fast. This at least enabled the miller to grind some wheat for the bread and he took full advantage by getting in a full supply to keep them going.

This was the River Tilt on the same day and though this was a good eight hours below its highest level it is still one of the highest I have seen.

Looking down from the the road bridge the buttresses were doing their job but the back current was something else.

I hope this portrays the power of the water, plus the fact the roar was deafening .

Went to Perth today and over that green bank on the right of the shot is the RiverTay. The flooding here is normally well controlled by huge metal flood gates which are placed in strategic places along the river to prevent the city being flooded. At present with all the warning that the Met Office gave out the council is being blamed for not shutting the gates early enough. this is the football and rugby pitches in the North Inch park and in this and the following shot you can see in the background more water being pumped into this “lake” by the Fire Service due to the fact it flooded the road and houses over that far side hundreds of yards from the river.

A mile or so from the city the river becomes tidal and most of the devastation was caused when the river was at high tide so all the freshwater was held back by the tide. to think the river water from our small River Fender goes into the Tilt, followed by the Garry onto the Tummel and into The Tay coming from Loch Tay and beyond, a fair few gallons of water causing this destruction.

Some shots from within our garden of the Autumn colours coming through. This is the Azalea’s showing off their rich coloured leaves.

Would not be me if I didn’t show you the annual shot of the Maple.

By the pond.

Heuchera looking splendid in it’s creamy colours.

Plenty of Rowan berries for the birds this winter, is this a sign of a bad Winter? Some say yes.

Rowan leaf about to drop.

Heathers are looking good throughout the garden.

More berries, I hope these will attract the Fieldfare and Redwings.

View down to the Maple, though with the strong wind we have today most of the Silver Birch leaves have blown off it is still very colourful.

Yes we are just into Autumn and yes it is only mid October, but we had our first sprinkle of snow today. The first shot is the higher Munro’s up the glen that had a bit more than the one in the second shot that we can see from the house, which only had an icing sugar dusting.

Shots North and South from the Garry Bridge, wires on the North shot show the zip wires that were in use today, see below.