Well just a few days left of our fantastic holiday in the sun, three weeks has gone so fast and now we have the fun of a loooong journey home and what I can see of the weather conditions a week of light rain to welcome us. Plus of course the shear delight of jetlag which is always worse going East. In the mean time we intend to enjoy the great company and sun and food that we have become very used to.

We have enjoyed our walks on the beach with the birds, the wading birds are so obliging in not bothered by humans, even this White Egret posed for me and the Pelicans flew right over our heads today.

These two characters seem to get in a fair few of my shots , just that little bit in front of me while I take loads of photographs.

The classic Bay Watch , Californian scenery of the lifeguard station, on what was a fairly busy beach for a Friday. I was going to have a swim but never saw a soul without a wet suit on and that told me enough of how cold the water was.

For those that have seen the Barbie movie the last scene of the film shows Barbie in a limo coming into this road in the top shot and pulling up to the doors in the second shot as she is going into there to get a certain part of her female anatomy that she is lacking. Well that is Santa Monica two blocks away from my son’s apartment, might add that this was the only part of the film I watched as the wife was watching it, honest.
This now is the end of our three weeks holiday and we had another twenty two hour trip from getting up to getting home, with a three hour stopover in Newark New York Airport. I have got to say it was well worth the extra money we paid to go in the United Airways Lounge at both LAX and Newark, peace and quiet, good food and drink, comfy chairs and just so relaxing for such a long trip.
Back home total zombies with jet lag but the garden has certainly changed some plants have gone over since we left others have obviously been at their best, all we could think of was it will need some work to get it back to normal.

The grass is the first thing to tackle and the weather is far better than forecast so will have to get on with it. Even though we both have a cold from the aircraft.

Some of the daffs are past it and need dead heading.

Others are still looking great.

The pom poms are doing well and have apparently been putting on a great display in our absence.
Yes cultivated flowers are beautiful and weeds in the garden are not normally welcome, today I noticed the beauty of the wild flowers (weeds) that are coming into their best. Firstly the humble Dandelion.

Whatever the stage of it’s growth it is an attractive plant.

The Daisy.

The Bluebell.
A bit of a short blog for the start of may but we have been struggling with jet lag, rotten colds from off the aircraft and getting our Covid booster all in these opening two weeks has left little time for photography , so will try to make up for it in the latter part of the month.