When you live out in the sticks life is all about getting out & enjoying your area & beyond. For me this can be divided into a few categories.
Walking, this is a problem for me at present as I have damaged a muscle in my knee & as per doctors instructions, no hill walking. Though I have tried it is just to painful & for once am doing as I have been told.
Watching wildlife, though it is so easy to miss a lot I am fairly observant & can spot the unusual going on, which leads me onto —-
Photography, as can be seen on here I love photographing many different subjects, mainly wildlife, but with my new wide angled lens scenery is becoming just as appealing.
Most probably my main thing that takes up a lot of my time (apart from eating) is fishing, be that coarse or game. So lets see if I can combine all of these things into this blog.
I showed you a few bird shots from my walk to Loch Moraig on the last blog, here are some more, of me Photographing Wildlife.

Above a male Stonechat & below a Meadow Pipit.

I belong to the local Angling club we have a small lochan opposite our house some 1/2 mile as the crow flies, but about 1 1/2 miles away by road. I love fishing there for Trout & as you are allowed to take 2 fish a week I also enjoy eating them. Today I caught a beautiful Brown Trout of about one & a half pounds, which I kept as they are superb eating fish. But as you can see from the second picture below, when I gutted it at home I was in for a surprise, will tell you what that was after you have looked at the shots.

Now its contents.

Unbelievably there were 4 dead Newts in different levels of decay, never ever seen this before. I have seen loads of weird contents, including a cigarette butt, silver paper even a bit of crisp bag, but never Newts.
The next couple of shots show what a lovely little lochan this is, just me & a mate, wildfowl & fish.

But just occasionally your fishing & tranquility get disturbed by two low flying big birds (see below)

The first pilot only had mischief on his min, because he was flying over to our right & dipped his/ her wings & flew right over us & of course the second one had to follow his mate. The lens I had on the camera does not do justice to just how low they were above us I could see the two sitting up front in the cockpit & I am sure they had a little grin on their faces.

Just finish off with a shot from the fishing lochan across the glen to my house, if you can see the white blob more or less dead centre to the photo is our house, so you can see by the terrain not much chance of walking without hills.