Though the weather has not improved much since the last blog, still windy, still cold, still dull, one consolation is that the flowers just keep coming & of course with that come the pollinating insects. Also have you noticed that with fewer cars on the road, I for one, there seems to be more insects slaughtered on the front of the car & windshield. Of course my family will say the reason for that is less traffic means an increase in speed of my vehicle, of course that is utter nonsense. Seriously though this is weird how it has gone back to insects on the front of cars, as I felt they were disappearing.
Had some spare time today so just went out & about in the garden snapping away at points of interest, well to me & hopefully you as well.

Seems to be a good year for Lupins, most probably the best year we have had since being here. They are not fully formed yet & it looks like there are still loads to come, which is good as they are one of my favourites.

As you are aware I am useless with plant names, but this stunning, colourful plant comes up every year & just brings a brightness to an otherwise dull day. Just been told by “you know who” that this is a Thistle (weed) that grows wild in the hedgerow, all I knew was that I liked it & it comes up every year.

Always think this flower should be coming up with the Primulas, most probably the same family & I will definitely be told off by SWMBO for not knowing it.

Just a bit of art form coming into my photography here (who would have thought that of me?), just like the way the sun gave such a great shadow on the path.

Is it worth going in? These Foxgloves have just started coming out, the majority of the ones in the garden are from wild seed, but we love them as well as the Bees.

Might as well give it a go. I wonder if there are any claustrophobic Bees?

Wow this nectar is fresh, will have some of that & looking at the pollen sack it is not the first plant it has visited today.

Talking about Bees I saw on Gardeners World one of the presenters made a Bee hotel from a piece of wood like above & that it was fully occupied. So I did the same thing the next day, no residents yet, but hopefully the solitary Bees will find it one day (I will let you know).

Down by our pond the Iris in the water are just coming up, I love this delicate flower with just a hint of mauve coming through.

Finally a plant very common up on the moors in boggy ground is this Cotton Grass, I took a few roots & it has now become an established plant in the pond & I like it, so it can continue to thrive & bring joy, along with the Buttercup that came with it.