We had a very mixed week here, both with weather & activity. With the virus causing a surge in universities & cities in Scotland new rules about meeting with people have once again restricted our lives. Most of the rules are just reinforcing the precautions us older citizens have been trying to copy all along, while others (younger than us old codgers of course) have just gone out & pretended they were immune. Anyway I have no intentions of making this a political platform, so, what has been happening in the area & my household?
After the very cold mornings I reported in the last blog it has settled down a bit & just going down in temperature to low single figures. So therefore most dawn & dusks we have been getting the dampness coming up in the form of mist from the river. Though not nice to be out in it has been allowing me to take some decent shots both end of the day.

This is a evening shot, with the mist starting to roll into the glen, the lower mist tends to come off the River Tilt, which flows behind the first set of trees.

These two are from the mist this morning at the start of what is going to be a very wet & windy weekend. If I was clever I would have joined the two shots together & given you a panorama view from the house, but just join them yourselves, the tree in the middle right of the first shot ( the one that resembles Donald Trumps outline ) (can you see that) , is the same tree in the middle left of the next shot.
So you can see our visibility is pretty low today. Good job that didn’t happen at the start of the week, as we had an international military exercise going on all around the land & seas of Scotland, with forces from us, Europe, U.S.A. & even Australia taking part. A fair few aircraft came low over our house, but I was never quick enough to get my camera & grab some shots. We had Hercules, Typhons, executive type jet with R.A.F. roundels on , two different types of helicopters including the Apache that I captured below, well captured on the camera not literally.

Though this is low, on one occasion a few years ago, we had two Apaches go out of sight behind those trees where there is in fact a road, must have been hairy, but great fun for the pilots.

We both just love how they follow the line of Glen Tilt, emerge near us then turn left & go along the route of the A9, as if bombing the dam in Pitlochry.
Despite all the mist we have had some spectacular sunsets this week, though it is a shame that the nights are drawing in, it is so good to see such stunning skies while eating our evening meal, here are two shots of one such beauty this week.

Just a great way to finish the day & todays blog.