At last the weather seems to be getting a wee bit warmer, Snowdrops, Crocus are doing ewell though two days of constant rain has battered a few of the Crocus down and definitely filled our spate waters. Of course I realise up here that the snow can return as late as the back end of April, but you can but hope that the worse is over. At least getting out and about a bit more on decent days as this part of the months blog will show.
A walk up to the trout water of Blair Walker to see what wild life was about just these Swans and Geese.

Not forgetting a couple of Oyster Catchers digging into the soft mud.

Went into Perth to try and capture my elusive bird the Kingfisher, two hours with a few dashing sightings, but no photos, so took the heather gardens in the park instead, so that it was not a completly wasted journey.

As by now you must be aware we get terrific sunsets and with the fairly decent weather we have had the last few days I have had plenty to choose from, but I think this is most probably the best.

While the good weather lasted we went for a trip out to St Andrews for the day, most of the following shots are of the derelict cathedral which in times past you could walk around, but it has been inspected and today it is considered to dangerous to do so. so a few skyline shots over the high wire fence.

Even though the water this time of the year must be freezing, some young women still went in for a dip.

Liked this shot with the Angus Hills covered in snow right in the distance.

Had some miserable weather in between the last few shots and this one, so did not venture out with the camera much. The last shots show a Goosander on Loch Dunmore took a few shots of them the first successful the last of it diving, not so successful. I have now got to spend a couple of days going down a bursting a few paper bags to disperse the gang of them (four males three females) as they are eating a lot of our fish and with a new batch coming in to stock the loch in April costing a couple of thousand pound we do not want them all eaten by these guys.