First of all I apologise for not publishing anything for the second half of last month I had a fair bit on and not a great deal of time for photography. Even now I am playing catch-up for this half of March, as I write this it is already the eighth of the month and not taken a great deal of photos but the weather has been changeable for the start of metrological Spring. The first set of shots I took on the first day of the month, dry, sunny and not to cold.

Primroses looking healthy and adding colour.

Beautiful Crocus showing off their wonderful colours and praying for a passing early Bee to settle. Love the pollen on the petals in the last shot.

I think the above three images show how we progressed into the month, though unlike the area surrounding us and down South we did not get the downfall of snow, in fact my snow shovel remained at the back door unused throughout the cold snap. We have had crisp, sunny days ( proper weather for this time of the year) with overnight temperatures going down to -12,-11 and getting warmer-9 last night..

I just wanted to demonstrate the wonders and resilience of our Snowdrops. this first shot was a clump of Snowdrops flat on the ground covered in frost at ten o’clock this morning at minus 8C,

By eleven thirty and at minus 3C they are starting to recover as a bit of sunlight hits them.

By twelve and +3 C they were back up to their full height again. Now they have done this for at least the last week with overnight minus temperatures every night. What wonderful hardy little plants they are.

Lazy Saturday afternoon sitting in the living room looking out with camera in hand and captured these two, the Collar Dove sitting perfect for me and the Jay trying to hide from me.
Why did I put on paper that my snow shovel had not been in use, this morning we woke up to two inches of snow and the snow shovel got worn down a bit more. I cleared the drive to the house and also down the steepest part of our road out for over an hour doing it, now the temperature has risen and the roads are clear, so I should not have bothered.

Following yesterdays blog on the versatility of Snowdrops look at these with a good covering of snow today.

The driveway clear.

Plus the steepest bit of road up to the house completely passable compared to after Christmas.

On the bright side, we get such beautiful sunsets this time of the year and as you know, I love taking sunsets.

Just to finish this first half of the month on a real positive note Buff Tailed Bumble Bee on the heather today along with a fair few Honey Bees, so good to see.