March begins as February left off , cold, Easterly wind and very dull. Not exactly the type of weather you want to go out and take photographs, much better to stay in, tie some flies for the start of the fly fishing season beside a glowing wood burner.
Went to the jute museum (Verdant Works) in Dundee to see a “Garden photographs of the year” only to find out we were a month early, but had a good time looking around the exhibits and seeing some of the one hundred year old machines in operation, took some shots but they were rubbish, so overall not a great morning, but made up for by a good lunch in our favourite cafe (The Empire State) thanks to a friend who gave us a gift voucher at Christmas. Always good to finish a visit on a good meal. But if you are in Dundee the museum is well worth a visit.
Just an encouragement to show that the good times are around the corner and cold weather may be disappearing at last, some of the flowers are starting to bud up or even be out. All taken in the rain of course.

The hit to brighten up another dull day was the two ponies in the field in front of the house decided to pay us a visit and timed it as I was feeding the birds, so they had to have some peanuts. One is very forward and obviously the boss and the other just hangs back so not to be bullied. I made sure the shy one got a good feed when the boss was not looking. I think they are Dartmoor’s ?

Yes it has flattened the fence to enable it to eat the conifer as well.

Went for a day out in Edinburgh and while the wife was having her hair done I walked around the backsides of the buildings on Rose Street, the fronts are mainly shops and though this is only on two lanes along Rose Street the actual street is as long as Princes Street which is parallel and below here.

The first and second floor on most of these properties seem to be residential.

Though this building is all office, I wonder if the lintel above the middle downstairs window was in fact a large door in it’s passed life?

Scotts pub, on the left one of Edinburgh’s oldest pubs and below is the rear of the building almost identical to the front.

The next shots are actually on the front of Rose Street and the theatre is empty and up for sale.

Old stonework, replica lamp and a modern additional flat on the top.

Dirty Dick’s pub with a painting and quote from Bill Murray. ” You can handle just about anything that comes at you on the road with a believable grin, common sense and a whisky.

A view along Rose Street from where I was all the way to Marks and Spencer’s shop at the far end.

Just to show that not everybody has a good lifestyle in Edinburgh, in a alcove to the power room of Premier Inn a rough sleepers abode.

Hopefully the last of the snow on the hills from our bedroom window this morning.

Though the wife did not appreciate me opening the window to take these shots as it was minus six C outside.

Don’t think the ponies appreciated the frost either.
But by midday the temperature in the sunshine had gone from minus to plus six, a welcome change.

With the sun out came the camera to photograph the hazel including my neighbours twisted Hazel.