Where did this month go? I think the mostly mild weather has helped us get through January fairly quickly, not sitting looking at the snow piling up has been a real bonus, no doubt we shall get an absolute blizzard in February now I have said that. I never thought last year to help me with my challenge I could have taken some shots in black and white, though a recent article I read encouraged me to give it a try, so you will see my attempts below, let me know what you think?

Thought the first one (which I took on a dull day) leant itself to a mono shot and as Silver Birch is more or less B &W that was okay. The third if I took it in colour I do not think would have looked much different and the fourth showed the lichen up well, but that is my opinion, not yours.

I then took two sets to make a comparison and not sure with both sets which comes out the better, I did not alter in post- processing just took two separate shots at roughly the same angle.

Again I will leave it up to you decide, I know which I prefere.

First shot from the approach to the first of two bridges and the second from to the laft of the bridge, at the same level as the bridge. So lucky I had the area to myself for about thirty minutes before other people arrived.