I said I hope to take a photograph of something different every day of the year, well for the first month (even under lockdown conditions) I have managed that. Hopefully a different subject each day of that month will be easy, though with just cold, snowy conditions does limit the scope. This last month has very much been limited to what is within the local area, though I have sneaked a couple in when I have needed to go into Pitlochry, a 7 mile car trip away. One thing I have learnt from this first month is to assemble 31 shots in the right date order to put on her, at lower resolutions than my normal shots, has been a nightmare, so from now on it will be half a month at a time.
Lets start then, all shots are in date order.
!st January the tree on the hill with no snow.A bit of colour in the garden.Three Quarters of the Moon, my theory will come in soon, full Moon cold.Just one day and it was colder poor fish under the ice.Great Tit, as I have said I want to get a photo of each species of bird that enters the garden by the end of the year.Probably the best shot I will take all year, I just love this one.Snow on the seed head, heading towards the full Moon.A good layer of snow, little did we realise that this was going to stay all month.A beautiful frost pattern on the summerhouse windows.As soon as I waved a carrot around all 4 horses were beside me, they are in the field in front of the house.Down in the village the lade is frozen & all the ducks get fed here every day, not by me I add, I have enough with my own wild birds.My close buddy that is still feeding out of my hand daily.Sunrise making the snow look pink.Wouldn’t be a proper winter month without me clearing the drive, it even started snowing while doing it.The cairn across the Glen nearly a mile away from where I took this in our garden.For the first time this year the Red Deer have come onto our side of the hill, this is next to the cairn in the above shot.A Coal Tit.On one of my car trips to Pitlochry, from Garry Bridge looking South.My nearly as tame as the Robin bird, the Wren. Not sure it would feed from my hand, but does come between my feet to pick up Mealworms.Foot prints of a Red Squirrel.Hide & seek, spent 10 minutes trying to photograph this elusive Bullfinch, would not come out from behind the heathers, eventually flew away. Hope to get a better shot before the end of the year.Up the glen my leaning tree, normally with a great background of the mountains, but it was snowing.More snow.Geese in the fieldA rare site sunshine on the Birches.Blair Castle gates securely closed, no visitors allowed.Fascinated me Blackbird footprints in the snow after feeding the 7/8 with sultanas.Another visit into town my fishing loch, only fit for ice hole fishing.Maybe a hint of Spring.The full Moon about to drop below the hills in the morning.Even more encouragement of Spring with buds appearing..
Hope you enjoyed my month of shots, lets hope I can keep going until New Years Eve.