It has arrived.

Well it has happened, the 12 of September, second Tuesday into the month & we wake up to the thermometer showing ZERO degrees C. White grass & as you can see the windscreen of my car covered in ice. By the time I needed to go out  in the car it had all melted & it has turned into the most beautiful sunny day. Just had to get a shot of the car, plus our view & the sun shining through the red gladies in the kitchen window.

The best part of this is that the really cold & strong Northerly wind we suffered last week has gone, which makes it so much better foe fishing 🙂 Went up to a stocked Rainbow Trout Loch yesterday way up in the hills & though cloudy it was a wonderful place to be out in a boat, surrounded by hills, trees & fish. My mate & I managed two fish each. But as we sat in the boat gently drifting along, just the sound of a Raven calling out, not a care in the world (apart from what fly would catch the next fish) we both agreed no money could ever by you such an wonderful day & location. One of the main reason I love living here.