This blog starts on the 27th of June as that was the day we set off for our two week break in New York with our son and daughter in law, well it nearly wasn’t the start. Due to thunderstorms in NY our flight was cancelled , luckily our son was notified by the airline in the evening their time while we were notified when asleep. So he booked us on the afternoon flight instead of the morning one. The airport was in chaos but after a two and a half hour extra delay we set off, not in the seats my son had got for us , but in separate rows, but at least on our way.
As you can imagine with me and my camera it has been red hot (along with the weather) taking loads of photos and for this reason you may well get many post in this first half of the month instead of the usual one. so I do hope I don’t bore you to much.
29th June.
Our favourite thing that we never tire of is to walk along the Hudson River Path and Park. Imagine you have the Hudson on your right full of boat traffic, a beautiful wide, clen pathway in the middle and different shaped gardens full of flowers and shrubs on your left, with a gentle breeze calling you down just a tad. The theme for this section is some of the many flowers that I photographed in a mile and a half walk. The delightful thing is that most of the flowers you will recognise from your own gardens, we did.

Though these flowers were a theme I followed along the way, of course there was other sights to see that I also photographed. so just a few to finish this day off.

Washington Square fountain with this guy just sitting there on his phone in the cool of the spray.

While crossing the three laned dual carriageway, with all the traffic stopped I was able to grab this shot of the World Trade Centre that replaced the twin towers.

Words that echo what I think about all you that read my blog.

The odd shaped tower fascinated me, especially if you look half way up on the right hand edge someone out on their balcony.

When my dad worked in NY some fifty odd years ago and I was a young firefighter I went on a tour of fire stations and even went on board this old fire boat, not in service now of course but good for the old memory box.

In one of the gardens is this very green pond teeming with goldfish and sat on the wire protecting the lilies was this Heron, not bothered by all the tourists photographing it.
Our plans today were scuppered a bit due to the air pollution, the visibility was low because the smoke from the forest fires way off in the north of Canada were travelling down the East coast and affecting us. In some places you could actually smell the smoke. So I will show you some examples of it.

We were intending to go to Governors Island in the background of this shot, mainly because you can gather some great shots of Manhattan, not today.

Even the Statue was hard to see compared with the shot yesterday.

Of course this didn’t affect the tourist helicopters from taking people out.

A large ship going under the Brooklyn Bridge.
Will close with this shot, I know this has only been two days of the holiday and can assure you the following blogs will not be this long or frequent.