And so it goes on, a complete lockdown, just out for exercise & food etc.
The number of cases is slowly rising in Scotland, but outside of the cities the rural population seems to be taking it more serious , even in our small towns people do not feel so cooped up, it must be so hard in a inner city flat with children. A garden is certainly a helpful addition to stop one from becoming to bored. To prove that the majority of my photos today are concentrated around the garden, as we start to see a steep rise in the amount of colour that is appearing. Colours lift spirits rather than dull dead greenery that winter has given us, the lighter evenings now the clocks have changed helps as well & that wonderful bright full moon last night made it seem like a summers day as it was fairly light even at 3 in the morning.
Birds are starting to pair up, we have Blue Tits investigating the many choices of nest boxes within the garden, though out of maybe a dozen to choose from they nearly always seem to go for the same ones as last year. Heard a fact yesterday that 70% of British birds are monogenous, which I was unaware of. Blackbirds are definitely sitting on eggs somewhere nearby ( always like to find at least one nest to photograph each year), how do I know. Well 2 females have a routine, they come straight to the back door maybe twice a day, feed, then bathe, then disappear again, where all winter they have just hung around waiting for us to offer them more sultanas. Our group of Dunnocks are skitting around the garden flirting with each other, while the House Sparrows just steal the House Martins artificial nest & fill it with whatever junk they can fit in to overflowing. Male Pheasants have a habit of sitting under our bedroom windows flapping their feathers & calling out, usually at about 6.30 in the morning, which can be annoying, but they realise that shooting season is well over & they are safe.
So what am I photographing in these entrapped times, I would love it to be those huge Trout that I would have caught if only we were allowed to fish, or scenery from further afield on a day out, but no I have restricted myself to within the garden this week. Mainly Spring plants, but also the noisy frogs in my garden pond, not that easy to get decent shots of because the slightest movement & they just submerge themselves for what seems ages under the water. Hope you like the few I have included? Two huge lumps of frog spawn in the pond already.