Well second half of the month and we start of with Easter weekend, couldn’t bring you an Easter Bunny, but have managed on the first day to grab a couple of shots of Hares, next best thing I suppose.

Looks like a lone Hare in the field in front of the house, but look a bit closer, see it now?

If you didn’t see it , here is the other one taken from a different angle , just hunkered down, so well camouflaged.

One thing I always do on Easter Sunday is get up before sunrise, go up in the hills and spend some time with The Lord giving praise for Him rising from the dead to save us. Other years the sun has been clear of cloud and I am able to capture it rising, not this year the cloud never lifted, as you can see from the first image.
The next to shots are of Loch Moraig, which is a cracking little Loch , full of hard fighting (plus hard to catch) Brown Trout, which I hope to fish at least once this season. The wildlife up on these moors takes some beating, I had a Curlew buzzing around me all the time I was there, saw three Roe Deer , two Hares, Lapwing bombing a Buzzard that had come to close. Heard the Black Grouse on a Lec and captured this wee Meadow Pipit on the fence. Note to me “must get up early and get to the lec before they do”.
The Hare is one of the two in our field but was a lot closer so had to get another shot of it.
Happy Easter day to you all, by the time you read this it will all be forgotten, eggs eaten and diet started.

I have three artificial nest boxes up for the House martins to nest in, but since we introduced House Sparrows to our garden the Martins have not stood a chance the Sparrows always beat them to the nest. As you can see by the first two shots they are not exactly tidy nest builders and the third has only just been taken over so looks tidy at present. The first two are okay where they are biut rather stupid of me that third nest is right over our front door and the birds are roosting in it at night and the door step can get a bit messy.

The pump on my pond has not been producing much flow of late so as it was a good sunny day decided to investigate, only to find the one inch pipe going to the filter system had a leak. On pulling the pump out discovered that the tubing was completly rotten and just broke as I lifted it out. As the water and debris in the bottom of the pond had not been changed for sometime I thought I might as well carry on and drain it down, as can be seen in the second shot. Next shot shows the fish, I have seen the eight fish I had been given for my birthday back in May last year, but was surprised to see the other two Goldfish that I think must have bred in there last summer, which was good. The large grey shape going from the centre out to about one o’clock is the female Tench I have, also there is a male in the pond somewhere, but as I leave about a foot of the original water in the pond I think it is buried down there somewhere.
Next shot was a real surprise as well fifteen Common Newts in the pond, we often find a couple when draining down but to have this many was great .
Last shot is of the pond refilled complete with plastic Gooseander and duckling.

As promised last blog the Trillion out in bloom, you can see how it gets it’s name, three leaves, three petals and then a further three above that, though the balance is ruined by having four flowers, maybe I will be bold enough to split them and start another group to build a collection.

Though the nights are still hovering around zero C the days are sunny and warm, today most probably the warmest and the Spring flowers are at their best. First shot is the first Bluebell out in the garden though the expert gardener that I am married to reckons they have taken over to much and will be thinned out this year. The other two shots are of the Pom Pom Primulas that are at their very best at present, the area that these are in are my old veg garden as to be honest I struggled to grow potatoes let alone any other exotic veg.
Started of with Easter in this blog and that seems so far away as we end this month, probably the driest April we have had for a long time, but the rain has finally come today. A bit of a surprise at the end , on the twenty second I showed you a shot of the Trillion flowers in the garden and even commented on the fact it was ruined by the four flowers amongst the symmetry of threes. Well look what has happened in that short space of time, the plant has produced another flower.