The Scottish government has given a big push to get rural areas better broadband and our area has had new cables fitted to the glen with fast fibre. about a month ago I checked the Openreach website and it stated it was available to our house. I then contacted B.T. and they informed me it was not available to my house, me being me informed them that it was, after about an hour consulting with three different departments they discovered that they in fact had been sending all my posted communications for the last twenty years to the address of our hamlet and had not included our house name, but because the postie knows our name he has just been delivering it to us. The only way around this was to put my application in as a house move and that would also allow us to keep our phone number .
A date was arranged for Friday the thirty first of last month. But, on the Tuesday before that we got informed that there was a fault on the line and fibre could not be installed on the Friday and that they would inform us of a later appointment when the fault was fixed. Only trouble was the right hand didn’t tell the left hand what it had done and Friday night at six o’clock our landline went dead. Contacted them on the Saturday and they then informed me that they could not reinstate our old copper line as it had been removed from the local exchange and we would have to wait for the fibre to repaired. to finish I have pushed it higher up the chain with executive problem solvers now on the case. Have got broadband via a mini hub but my mobile does not get a great signal so we are feeling fairly isolated. Why do I stay with B.T. I do not know.

The frogs have arrived at our pond and old smiley face seems to be happy that we have a load of spawn nearby. Though with the snow and frost forecast for the near future I don’t ho;d out much hope of getting any tadpoles.

This is the Pine Martin that was giving us some concern with what we saw as a wound on its back. It visited us in daylight today and as the first shot shows it has spread, so having consulted some learned friends we think it is just moulting its winter coat.

The full moon at sunrise just about to sink below the hills but catching a faint orange glow as the sun comes up.

My usual visit up Glen Fender for the Easter Sunday sunrise. An early start leaving home at five forty five on a cold cloudy, windy morning, but so worth it. Surrounded by birdsong with at least six Curlews singing their beautiful song , but the isolation with talking with our Lord just fills me with joy. The cloud came over very thick after this shot and though the actual sun never came out to shine the colours were wonderful.

Then when I got home the sun came out and the blooms in the garden just made it a spectacular Easter Day. I especially like the old tree stump surrounded by the Spring plants and bulbs.

Went for a walk today and captured this stunning Pied Wagtail just sitting on a barn door with the black blending in well with the background, bringing out the white so well.

Just when I show you all the wonderful Spring flowers you wake up to this scene of overnight snow on the higher peaks and Winter firmly puts us in our place. Fortunate enough it didn’t get down to our level, but just lets you know don’t plant any summer plants just yet.
P.S. 15th and still no phone.