Last week I placed on various social media sites I am on the above picture with the caption “Last of the Snow”.
How wrong can you be, went to bed last night with a small dusting on the ground, but woke up to the picture below.

As you can only just see the woods at the top of the shot I hope that portrays the amount of snow that was falling at that time, half an hour later it had stopped & as you can see below a lot clearer image & just how beautiful it was. Though somewhat annoying as I had a hearing test appointment in Perth that I had to cancel.

Do not get me wrong I am still a child at heart & love this weather, if I thought I could walk back up the field in front of me I would have the old sledge out in a flash. It has several advantages:-
1/ I get some extra exercise clearing our drive of snow.
2/ it produces some wonderful scenery, which in turn allows me to take photos, both of the snow & as you will see below, just highlights sites & scenes I either would not have seen or photographed.
3/ It gives me something to write & show you all on my boring blog.

Most probably under green conditions I would not have seen a pair of Roe Deer so close to me, I know there is only one in the shot, but the other was just to quick & out of sight for me to catch.
Now I am going to surprise you & get all “arty” with a few shots, not to everyone’s taste, but I just like the fact that the living plants below, will all be growing and producing flowers etc in the next couple of months , having survived the ordeal of late snow. Of course this does not apply to Rod’s fence, though he may paint it in the summer.

Dare I say it, “let us hope that is the last of the snow for this winter”.