With all that is going on in the world it seems wrong to do a blog of enjoyment for so many as the Enchanted Forest gives people, but I feel life should bring joy from things or this world would be horrible for all of us. Never the less I pray for peace as we come towards the wonderful festive time that is Christmas.
I have not been as active on the photography side of my life as I have had a fair bit going on, but what I have produced in this first part of the month I hope you enjoy.

This was the first and best of many attempts to control the brightness of this shot of the inflated octopus that took over the boathouse at Loch Dunmore.

Slinkies hanging from the trees made a great impression.

These suspended plastic strands made people walking through them disappear into ghostly shapes within the first couple of steps in.

The view from across the loch of for what was for me was the best section, the red lava flowing down the hillside, as shown in the next set.

So atmospheric with the smoke and the bright light in the right hand bottom corner is a infrared heater so you get the impression of heat from the lava.

A great Autumn day so after lunch just walked up the hill and took some shots of the last signs of the season.
The first is just the bunch of twigs on a Birch tree, (not sure what these are called).
Second my favourite small tree in the glen, just shows to what height the deer eat it to.
lastly as usual the mighty Oak is the last to lose it’s leaves.

Dead pheasant in the field in front of the house so I had to move it to a position I could see it from our house. Pouring with rain and all shots taken through the double glazing. If I tried to take them from outside none of the birds would have been there. All of the birds came within five minutes of me putting it out.
In actual fact the magpie were there before the Buzzard, but once it was there they never got a look in.

Second Buzzard arrived and knew it wouldn’t get much chance and left after one warning from the bird eating.

I could see the Magpie getting more frustrated with each mouthful of plump breast the Buzzard ate.

Something frightened all the birds off and the sheep came to have a sniff to see what all the fuss was about.