I have just got round to start writing this just a few days before publishing and the weather is even more wintery than last month so me being me I just wanted to show you what I call a proper Scottish winter and instead of the yoyo weather we have had it has stayed “proper” for a week now.

Looks like a real Christmas tree in the garden, must brave it one year and put lights up it.

Four inches of snow on the back of the bench.

Looking down our drive.

Our house

The obligatory Christmas Robin.

Our local electricians could not go any further with their van last night so had to walk the mile down to the village.

At last the snow plough has been up.

Our small river, The Fender.

So the snow started last night and when we awoke, we were confronted with these lovely scenes. Next day it all went, on a warm sunny day.
Straight away after a warm day the skies cleared and the cold weather crept in, and we have not gone above freezing since. Culminating in today , overnight we went down to minus twelve centigrade, the lowest we have recorded so far this winter. by eleven o’clock it had risen to a barmy minus eight. So I got in my car and went off in the hunt for some iced up trees and the shots below show I found them. This is just a fraction of the forty odd shots I took and I hope you like them as I enjoyed taking them.

The sun was out, the trees were stunning and the background mountain has snow on it, what more could you want?

The snow plough had been up and salted the single track road so I was able to climb to this special area.

The sun through the iced trees.

Some hardy young cows that stay out all winter.

Saw the Roe Deer laying down in the field in front of the house some two hundred yards away and due to the undulations in the field was able to get about fifty yards away from her. Of course she saw or heard me and though lying away from me turned her head for me to grab this shot.

Still in the field I looked over towards Schiehallion and got this shot, still minus eight at this time of the day so really cold.
Just to finish off this blog, FIVE days ago I was showing you shots of after a night of minus twelve, today it is PLUS twelve a change of twenty four degrees in five days , is this balmy times we are all experiencing, yes yes yes.
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