I apologise for the long stretch since I last wrote on here. My motherboard decided to die on me & as my device was still under warranty I had to send it by courier to Holland. Being so remote it was delayed in being picked up, but very fast in sending me a new box (I have an Intel NUC) only to be delayed by a day due to Bank Holiday. But of course my camera has still been in use & so have a fair few photos to share with you. I will not put them all on here today, but will save you from getting to bored with them, but it also allows me to spend some time of the day with the wife, as I have been reconstructing the computer & editing photos some 4 hours now. Must keep the better half happy, or maybe she enjoys the peace of not having me under her feet. Though the list of jobs is getting longer, before the arrival of the colder weather. Chain sawing down a few unwanted trees from a friend for our log burner, last few cuts of the grass, a blind to be put up in the bedroom, kitchen taps to be replaced, I guess you get the idea.
So in todays episode I will just concentrate on birds & how they are gathering to migrate, with a aaahhh moment in the last shot.

A male Chaffinch enjoying some late afternoon sunshine

A now frequent visitor to the garden, normally a very shy bird the Nuthatch, but this one seems to like the feeders near to the house & stays when we are working just the other side of the kitchen window. In previous years we have had maybe 2 or 3 visits each year, but this one is daily.

We never see Starlings in our garden though I have done everything I can to encourage them, putting up suitable nest boxes, open feeders, but no we just do not get them. The only time we see them is this time of the year when they are gathering to migrate away for the winter, these gathered yesterday & today along with a flock of Thrushes, two of which you can just make out sitting on the structures instead of the wire.

As you can see the Thrush do enjoy a good solid structure to perch on , but look so graceful compared with the steel they are on.

Though the Collar Dove was none to pleased to see this one invading what is normally his lone post.

Not to sure how much heat extends to the outer electrical wiring, but we very seldom see Starlings sitting anywhere else than on the cables, keeping their toes warm, in what has been a cold snap (down to 1C overnight on the weekend).

The House Martins & (in this case) the Swallows are preparing their feathers for the flight back to Africa, in fact this was the last day we have seen any as I think they have had enough of this cold weather & are on their way for the winter in the sun. No travel restrictions for them.

I said I would leave the last shot for that Aaaaahhh moment, my son visiting us pointed this wee Roe Deer to us while on a walk, it was no further than 20 metres away from the road. & so well hidden. Didn’t seem at all bothered by our presence as we snapped away, just wish the grass had not been in the way of what could have been a cracking shot, just a lovely surprise on a very pleasant walk.