In the distant past I have covered these this subject before, but have gone into a bit more depth this time as we have been starved of it due to Covid.
The event is the Blair Castle International Horse Show, back in our village at last and from what I can see wondering around it is a lot larger this year, more stalls (though I could not find the Foodhall for a pick of free samples though apparently it was there),more competitors and definitely more spectators. I go after four in the afternoon and it is normally all closing down, but this time it was still very busy. I will try and keep what I say in the order I saw it and photographed it. Those who are unaware of our surroundings will agree that it is a beautiful setting for any event.

The one draw back of the event is that the village becomes gridlocked on entry and the exit from the event. This shot is from half way through the village and the entrance to the castle is where those double poles are in the middle distance, if I took a shot in the other direction the queue goes back to the A9 junction.

Once you reach the castle entrance you then have a half mile queue to the parking area.

A view not normally in many shots is the back of the castle which looks down on the huge field the events occur.

So here you can see the castle far right with the three dressage rings in the front, members restaurant and bar on the left and some of the many merchandise stalls beyond.

One of the competitors in the dressage ring, with the champers flowing in the background.

Just a few more stalls in one of maybe eight different rows of stalls.

Horses and riders being judged,

As they say on Strictly, “The Judges”

The Pony Club horses and riders lining up to see who won the prizes.

Most probably my two favourite images of the whole show, this lovely little pony and the rider and parent in matching outfits.
Every show there are a collection of vintage tractors on display which were a pleasure to see and walk around, so this is my selection from that display.

A couple of david Browns.

Not sure of the make, but I know a follower of my blog who will soon tell me.

A Massey.

A International with a Ford beyond that.

A Caterpillar.

Finally to keep a certain young lad happy, a John Deere.

At the end of the day a cool down for this beauty and a view of the temporary stables in the background.
Another event that was going on in the Cairngorms was a constant noise in the background at the show and at home, the sound of (mostly) Harley Davidson motorbikes going up to Avimore for “The Thunder in the Glen” event. The sound of hundreds of Harleys on the A9 is a noise that is just wonderful, a constant thud of the engines is unique. I did not take any shots of them this year as I had a busy weekend and when I was available it was raining, sorry.
To finish off though I would like to add just this one unusual bird photograph.

Not the best of shots, but I was in a hurry and took it through the d/g in our kitchen.
This is a female Chaffinch with a white head, I haven’t doctored the photo in any way this is how it is. Apparently a friend on a forum I put it on tells me it is called a Leucistic Chaffinch, which means it has a Melanin pigment deficiencies . Another friend has told me they had a white Blackbird in their garden for a couple of years. I had never seen one before and was chuffed to have grabbed a picture of it.