In these times of lock down there are fairly few things an old man can do to relieve the boredom. In my case it is fly tying, with the hope that sometime this season I MAY get out onto the waters & catch a few trout, but there are only so many flies I can tie to fill my boxes even fuller with flies that will most probably not see the light of day again. Watch some telly, which are mainly repeats as no telly is being produced at present. Listen to the radio, well even The Archers has made no mention of the virus yet, so that shows how long ago the episodes were produced. Or go out on your daily hour of exercise & of course take your camera with you.
The forum that I belong to & love is for members that purchase the Canon EOS Magazine and a wonderful source of all things to do with the said cameras, including of course photographs, I have been a contributor to these from the beginning & through comments & advice have learnt so much about this magical artform.
Over the last few days I have placed on the site shots that I have taken on these walks & the usual group of misfits have encouraged me to take some varied shots to show them the area that I am so lucky to live in. So I thought while I have a minute, no hour, no wait all day, I would share some of these shots with you

Firstly my favourite tree, I think I have put this particular tree on before but it just suited the mood of that first walk damp, miserable & lonely.

The little Lochan we walk past fairly regularly always got some ducks on it & in summer teeming with small brown trout, one day Alistair will give me permission to have a play on it.

I always have a smile on my face when I have the precious site of seeing the first of this years lambs, temperatures down to minus 7C but these hardy little beast’s just get on with it.

Add to that calves jumping about in the sunshine & how can you not enjoy Spring?

Such adorable creatures, almost & I said almost, makes me think why do I enjoy beef so much, even better a proper welfare produced piece of veal (sorry).

Looking at this beast makes me think I wonder if he enjoys being surrounded by such beauty, surely he could not have a more picturesque view?

Much the same could be said about these two young Highland bulls.

This lady appears in a fair few of my shots & as I am in confinement with her (& her with me), would I dare say anything detrimental about her.

My Rockstar Games bird, she has only tried playing one of the GTA games once & that was so funny I still have the video of it.

A cracking view down to Blair Castle & beyond, to think jets come through this Glen below the height of those hills before climbing up roughly in the middle dip. I love watching them.

We also get these beast’s flying very low over us, this one caught us by surprise on one of the walks, hence I didn’t get the whole craft in.

Our house tucked into the little hamlet we live in, both the brown wooden & the stone cottage behind us are holiday lets & the roof on the right is our friends second home, but they are all very empty with this present lock down & with only 3 of the 7 houses permanently occupied it is very eerie up here.

A very frustrating site the water where I go Rainbow Trout fishing is off limits at present, which I cannot understand, as you can see it is fairly big, at the most you may get 5 people fishing & if that, plus the exercise in casting isn’t social distancing, then what is?

A walk along the River Tilt was a worth while trip today, so tranquil.

As you know I go on about the Watermill, it’s bread, its hot chocolate, its scones, its staff & owners, Well today should have been opening day for the season, but for justifiable reasons Kirsty & Rami have decided not to open. So a well marked date on the calendar has been postponed, making us even more determined to obey the rules & stay home accept for our daily walks & keep well.
I finish with that same sentiment to you all, stay well & we will get through this, honest.