At the start of this month it (October) it feels like Winter not Autumn as in this first week we have had temperatures ranging from 3 to 7C overnight and browning the leaves of our Summer shrubs earlier than ever. This has been followed by record rainfalls and all our local rivers at a very high levels you will see below. I am not going back to Enchanted Forest until the 11th, but combined with the high winds I am certain that they have been kept very busy keeping everything in working order.

This is our normally easy flowing River Tilt, although a spate river leading into the River Garry it was an all-time high for me in the eighteen years, we have lived here I am sure it has not been this high. Not only this tree that was swept down, all sorts of debris was rushing down.

The power in the water was incredible and rocks that are normally uncovered were not even in sight.

Still shots do not do justice to the power in this flow.

I was a bit scared of the noise let alone the speed and power.

Normally the amount of this rock that is exposed is double what you can see in this shot and with a normal gentle flow, children jump off of it into a deep pool on the other side, I am certain nobody would survive if they jumped off it today, even getting on to it would be virtually impossible.
Just to add to the confusion over what season we are in, here are some shots of the flowers and shrubs in various states of decomposition or growth.

Looks like growth to me?

Definitely last legs.

Ready for the Redwings and Fieldfares.

Beautiful Autumn colours.

These have flowered their socks off all Summer.

Should be well dead by now, but in a sheltered position.

Heathers doing really well.

A Lupin very late.

Young Rowan in the change.

Colourful leaves.
Back to the Enchanted Forest light show for this my second visit , only one more to go on the 21st before it closes at the end of the month. The weather has not been kind to them with rain and wind meaning lots of maintenance work being carried out during daylight, but well done to them for keeping it going.

That big 8m circle that I showed you in previous shots projected on a fine gauze image of togetherness and included the two shots above of a child and a female runner.

The lights on the bridge showing a reflection on a fairly still, but wet night adding to the atmosphere. Plus with the second shot the ghostly looking figures crossing the bridge. The only problem with the bridge is that doing a figure of eight across it means a large footfall of people, making for queues and the added problem that everyone wants a photo on it slowing down the crowd all the more. We really need to be like the A9 road and have a dual carriageway maybe adding a temporary Baily type bridge.

With coloured lighting on the simplest of twigs gives you a whole new perception of that twig.

Two shots of the trees at the Southern end of the loch top one with a good reflection of the water.