So this week was the first day of metrological Autumn, plus the pupils are all back in school , so what do we get but the best weather since June. Typical. Though the plants were unaware the weather was going to be this good and seed heads are looking great, so they think it is Autumn, Got up a bit earlier than normal and just went along the roadside verge and took a few snaps.

I think there is nothing better than a head of Thistle seeds, that is until they land in my garden.

Who remembers making weapons out of these seed heads? Fold the top of the stem over and pull the other end and they would fire off.

No wonder there are so many Dock plants around with this number of seeds per stem.

last years pine cones getting ready for Christmas decorations.

Seeds ready to go

Gorse seed already gone or waiting to go.
Unfortunately the above shots are all that you will get on this first half of the months blog . The main reason I am (as Rodney on Fools and Horses would say) a right plonker. Needed to go into Edinburgh for the day, parked in the Park and Ride, put my camera case on the roof of the car, closed the boot, locked the car and went off to the bus. Left my camera with a couple of lenses on the car and when we got back it had been stolen, No cctv and not handed in , just taken by an opportunist thief. So therefore I have been unable to show you any new photographs.
Have tried the insurance route but again I have only now learned what a plonker I really am. I have never kept any receipts, as soon as the receipt has checked off on the credit card that is the end of it. So without proof of purchase they insurance will not pay out, so don’t be like me . All expensive purchases keep the receipts, photograph the item and note the serial number. Apparently there is so much fraudulent claims about these days you very seldom get your money without them.
I have ordered excellent conditioned second hand from a reliable company and as they are available in different shops throughout Britain their Edinburgh branch is gathering them together , Camera, two different lens, memory cards (new) and lens filters, so should get going again in seven days or so.
Yes I do have withdrawal symptoms lets hope the shaking stops when I use my new gear.