One of these years I will think of an April Fool section to start the month off, but promise you I as a person have not got one for this year, but nature has. Below you will see a selection of the beautiful Spring flowers we have in the garden at the moment, but the forecast is for us to get a good dumping of snow before the week is out, just when you thought of warm sunny days leading up to Summer, nature laughs at you. I think the birds may suffer also, with most of them in their breeding plumage, Blackbirds and House Sparrows building nests, frogs have spawn on our pond, totally unaware of the coming weather. Must add as you can see below the Sparrowhawk is becoming a frequent visitor to our garden and he and she seem to find a remote spot to pluck the bird before flying off with their catch, as much as I would love to get a shot of the bird on this stump, it is so well hidden that I do not think I would have any chance.


Our Pom-Pom Primula’s are producing a lot of flowers.

So are the normal ones.

The heathers are alive with the sound of Honey and Bumble Bees.

Daffodils of all sizes and colours.

Mini Tulips add a good variety of colour to the garden (note to self, get some more of these next year).

This little bulb grows everywhere in the garden and has the common name of Glory in the Snow, which may be appropiate later this week. A darker blue version very like this light blue one also grows in the garden but goes by a different name, Scilla.

Lastly one of my favourites in the garden (not because I purchased it, honest) is my Trillion, started off four years ago with just one bloom and added one every year so now four lovely deep red blooms are budding up. Three leaves & three petals, great little plant.

To add to the above flowers, my neighbour has been having trouble with Moles and we are Mole free (at the moment), so they thought we might like a couple on our own.

In amongst the many Chaffinches we get in the garden we occasionally get the odd Brambling and the above is one of those an unusual looking bird very much like a Chaffinch, but with slightly different markings.
1 0th.

Most probably part of the four I showed you last month but these two were wondering through the field , seemingly paired up now, on what was a cold a frosty start to the day.

Here this morning was the male Roe Deer just laying out in the field after what must have been a hard night as I have never seen one lay this close to the house.

My usual game of hide and seek with the squirrel Not sure if it is thinking “well he cannot see me here” or, ” it is him with the ****** camera again”.

A sure sign Summer is on it’s way when the Geese start flying home after wintering with us.