Last night sitting at our dining room table, my wife informed me that there was a Hare in the field in front of the house. As for once it wasn’t raining, or blowing a gale, or near freezing temperatures, I thought I might get some photos out of this. Little did I know it would develop into a story line that I could tell you all.
We have half a dozen steps down to our fence which you then have to climb over to get in the field. So the first couple of shots I took were from within the garden, some 50yds from the Hare. As I focused in on the Hare I saw there were two, not just the one. Got that shot in the bag (or at least in the camera)

Decided to climb over the fence now as I was just happy with the one photo. One of the Hares saw me & made a bolt for it.

But the remaining one didn’t seem bothered & carried on eating while I slowly advanced towards it.

It was so relaxed that it then decided it was time for a tidy up & proceeded to have a wash.

Eventually when I was no more than 20yds away it saw me.

And then decided it was time to run off. Though like the true pro the Hare must have been, decided that it would sit and pose for me on the horizon . So this was the last shot, but what an image to finish on. 15 minutes of shear enjoyment for yours truly.