The Watermill.

I had always intended to write a blog about the Watermill & for so many reasons. Mainly because we love the place, visiting at least 3 times a week, also they make excellent scones & I also enjoy the hot chocolate. But food aside, the staff are always friendly even when the place is packed out , they have time to say hello.

Of course T.V. has visited, initially when Rami entered a baking competion om ITV & won the Scottish region finals. Followed By Nadia filming with them all, plus a private visit by Camilla. I can add that they will soon be on another series, but that’s a secret.

As you are aware I very seldom go anywhere without my camera & today when we visited for our usual, the mill was grinding some flour, so I thought time for some action shots, so I had a go. Now I must apologies for the very low standard of shots I got, it is nothing to do with my lovely new lens (that I was using for the first time) (Nifty Fifty for the camera buffs), nor the low light, nor the photographer (well maybe a bit my fault), nor that they were hand held shots. No, it was due to the fact that when the mill is at full pelt with the stones grinding, the cogs turning, the water running over the wheel, the whole building vibrates unbelievably. I think the following internal shots would have been even worse if I had used my tripod, for at least I was able to steady myself a bit.

Well these are my excuses & I am sticking to them.

This is the stone spinning & grinding the wheat.

The cog joined to another that turns that central bar in the shot above, to power the stone.

The hopper where the raw wheat enters the system.
The finished product coming out of the sieve.
The mill race feeding the waterwheel.
The wheel that works all the apparatus inside.

Such a simple wheel that works so well.

Hope you enjoyed my trip around the mill, when the machinery is not working I will take some more shots, just to prove I am not such a rotten photographer.