As I said a couple of weeks ago that I would follow up with some more flowers as the spring progressed, here are a crop from this lovely, warm, sunny Easter weekend. Not going to name all these but all you experts out there will know them anyway.
Love the Pom Poms, but not as big this year as in previous years, could be lack of water.
Very proud of my Trillion , every section goes in threes, except this year I have an extra bloom , I chose the plant (hence calling it mine) but the wife chose the colour, which I also liked.
What garden would not be complete with out primroses, I love the way they glow at night as well.
sorry added this twice & have not got a clue how to delete it.
Bumble Bees loving the heather out at present.
Today My son, his partner & myself got up at 5.45am to go & photograph Black Grouse on the Lek way up on the moors near Loch Moraig. Though my son got a couple of shots of males they did not perform as there were no females about, it was a cracking sunrise & I captured a few images of all that surrounded us.
This first one of a lone sheep on the horizon with the moon above. Although the drive up the hill from our house to Loch Moraig is only about a mile, as it was so early we managed to see at least 8 Roe Deer, numerous Hares, all of which were nowhere to be seen on our return trip.
Just loved this tree in the early sunrise.
Loch Moraig a beautiful Brown Trout Loch which is a pleasure to fish , though hard work to catch any of the large fish within.
Saved the best until last, this Wheatear posed beautifully for me, looking into the sun, showing off it’s wonderful plumage.