Old Favourites Continue and Others Depart.

An annual event that brings the village together and visitors is the Church Flower Show. Fierce competition between friends for who will come out on top and win the “massive” prize money of ONE POUND for coming first, Fifty pence for second and Thirty pence for third. Along with a “proper” gardener I always judge the vegetables, which is great fun, as two of the pillars of the church are great friends but want to get the most points (as well as the money of course) and hold the coveted silver cup for that year, thus holding boasting rights. I had to get special rights from the wife this year as I had to go and judge on our fifty sixth wedding anniversary.


All ages are catered for and this was the children’s miniature garden on a plate.

Children’s decorate a cake.

Coffee and Walnut cake and a Lemon Drizzle Cake. The small slice out is the judges tasting slice, they try to take as small a slice as possible as all (or most) of the exhibits are auctioned off in the afternoon.

Winner of the floral display in a vase.

The Sloe Gin section, I have known the judge of these to need a person to drive them home as some are fairly strong.

I had to know my onions to judge these.

This is where I blow my own trumpet, as this was my winning entry into the Scottish Wildlife photography section.


Went to a garden center and this dog was guarding his owners car, just found it amusing, beautiful dog.


Today is the lady in my life’s birthday so as a treat that she had not visited we met my son and partner just outside Falkirk at these magnificent sculptures called The Kelpies. Kelpies are part of Irish and Scottish folklore and are creatures that live in lochs and rivers that can change shape into humans the name comes from the Gaelic for a colt “cailpeach”.

These sculptures stand thirty metres high and have stood next to the M9 motorway for ten years now and are a photographers dream, such wonderful shapes.

After spending a couple of hours here we went on to Stirling for a birthday meal and the waiter noticed my wife opening the present from my son and girlfriend. So at the end of the meal as a free gesture by the restaurant this appeared on our table.

Nice touch which got a good tip.


Now for the favourite that will be the last time it will happen in our village that attracts the most people at any event. The Blair Castle Horse Trials. Thirty Five years continuous it has happened and has been spectacular every year.

Love the way the juniors are all dressed the same for the judging .

Takes some beating to do dressage in such beautiful surroundings.

Plus the view of the castle for the show jumping.

No faults on this jump.

So from now on it seems Scone Palace is holding this prestigious event at least for 2025 anyway.


We are hoping for a late burst of heat and pretend we have had a summer , but signs of Autumn are starting to appear in the garden.

An old wives tale is that if trees and shrubs have plenty of berries on them , that means a hard Winter. So if all the Rowan trees are anything to go by we are in for a real cold one this year. I hope not , but the only bonus for us will be lots of food for the birds, maybe get a good flock of Fieldfare and Redwings in the garden. The last shot is from the Elder in my neighbours garden, he might well make some wine out of the prolific berries when they turn deep red.

Another sign of Autumn on it’s way are the Autumn Crocus, this is our first one out and the slugs have found it succulent already.

Last of the Roses, our special one called Golden Wedding, given on that day as a present.

A white Harebell on it’s last legs.

A Buddleia though as we haven’t had much sunshine not really the weather for Butterflies to take advantage of it.


Went up to Sarah’s Pond fishing today and though I had two fish nothing worth photographing. So took some shots walking down the hills on my way home.

The first two are dead trees that were in a plantation that has been harvested of pines but the foresters were not interested in dead trees so they are still there. Then the sun shining through the Dandelion seeds. Lastly, I have never seen the Bracken so high, five to six feet, but with the sun shining on the top they look really silver in colour.