Unusual New Years Eve.

Firstly may I wish all the loyal people who have encouraged me to carry on writing this nonsense, a very happy new year, may 2018 bring you joy, happiness & all you want out of life. I can assure you I am looking forward to this coming year with a great deal of hope. Hope to take better photos, hope to catch more trout, hope for good health & most of all, hope that I make it to our 50th wedding anniversary in August. That is mainly because of the wonderful understanding misses I have & I know this milestone will bring her much joy.

I must say after all the cold weather, snow & ice it is so unusual to say that this is such a mild day, 4C and still creeping upwards. A very strong wind & loads of heavy rain overnight has left us with green fields & pools of water everywhere. The first photo is the field in front of our house, when this large puddle arrives we know we have had a fair downpour. somewhat to our surprise a young Heron obviously thought this was a pond for it to catch something, waded across it, saw there was nought in it & flew off again.

The second shot shows how the rain is still falling with the spots on our window, also how this mild rain has melted the snow from the adjacent hill. No doubt we will here the Fender Burn thundering through tonight, as all that snow melt goes down to the River Tilt, then onto the River Garry, which eventually enters the longest river in Scotland The Tay.

I shall be out at midnight (as my own tradition dictates) shouting at the top of my voice “Happy New Year” and see how many echoes I get back bouncing of the hills, one year, on a particularly still night, I had six, but normally it is 4. Silly old fool that I am.